Month: February 2022

Poxviruses and paramyxoviruses use a conserved mechanism of STAT1 antagonism to inhibit interferon signaling

Callum Talbot-Cooper, Teodors Pantelejevs, John P. Shannon, Christian R. Cherry, Marcus T. Au, Marko Hyvönen, Heather D. Hickman, Geoffrey L.Smith

Cell Host & Microbe, in press.
DOI: 10.1016/j.chom.2022.01.014
Pubmed: 35182467

PDB coordinates:: 7NUF (3D view)
STAT1 complexed with 018


The induction of interferon (IFN)-stimulated genes by STATs is a critical host defense mechanism against virus infection. Here, we report that a highly expressed poxvirus protein, 018, inhibits IFN-induced signaling by binding to the SH2 domain of STAT1, thereby preventing the association of STAT1 with an activated IFN receptor. Despite encoding other inhibitors of IFN-induced signaling, a poxvirus mutant lacking 018 was attenuated in mice. The 2.0 Å crystal structure of the 018:STAT1 complex reveals a phosphotyrosine-independent mode of 018 binding to the SH2 domain of STAT1. Moreover, the STAT1-binding motif of 018 shows similarity to the STAT1-binding proteins from Nipah virus, which, similar to 018, block the association of STAT1 with an IFN receptor. Overall, these results uncover a conserved mechanism of STAT1 antagonism that is employed independently by distinct virus families.

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