
Closing the door

Our group started in 2001 and around 2002 we moved to our own lab space on the third floor of the Sanger Building, where we have been ever since. From the first bay we expanded to another one on other corner of our wing and later acquired a third bay in a third corner. Disjointed space which served ok for a while, but become increasingly disfunctional as group changed and new team was being built. After long nagging, the Department conceded and provided us with fresh lab space, a large lab where we can all work together and, importantly, nice write-up area.

So, it is time to close the door to the old lab, which is now empty for the first time in over 20 years. Upwards and onwards!

Posted by Marko in News

Welcome to Attila, Leni and Archie

New academic year starting and lab is filling up. Welcome to Attila to our plastic-degrading project with Florian Hollfelder’s group, Leni to work on FBDD project with a an exciting local biopharma and Archie to collaborative project to tackle animicrobial resistance with David Spring’s and Andres Floto’s group.

Posted by Marko in News

New Lab space!

We have moved to a new home, across the great divide in the Sanger Building, to labs and offices 3.01-3.05. After 20 years in patchwork of bays and office space, we are finally all in one lab.

Come and visit!

Posted by Marko in News

F-SEC, here we come

Our ÄKTA Pure, Ingrid (Bergman, who else), has gotten a little upgrade with a Shimadzu fluorescent detector for those pesky membrane proteins. Over to you, Emma B.

Posted by Marko in News

LEAF Bronze medal!

We have been awarded a Bronze medal in the UCL LEAF scheme for our efforts to reduce waste, to recycle and improve lab efficiency in general. Thanks to all lab members who contributes and for Nicola in particular for organising our submission to LEAF.

Posted by Marko in News

Bruce Printsteen

Not sure if there was a proper consultation on this, but the 3D printer has a name now.

Posted by Marko in News

Going 3D, really 3D

After 20+ years of determining atomic level structures of proteins in three dimensions, we are going properly 3D. Our Prusa i3 MKS3+ has arrived!

Posted by Marko in News

One of those weeks

HPLC plays up with random UV peaks, fraction collector tries to fail its calibration, centrifuge bottles crack with half of mammalian expression culture lost, fluorescent detector cuts off randomly.

And it’s only a Wednesday.

Panton Arms, here we come.

Posted by Marko in News

Part II projectiles have arrived

Welcome to Sarah and Bocheng for joining the group for their part II projects (third year undergraduate project in normal terminology), under the supervision of Shiv and Emma, respectively.

Posted by Marko in News

Welcome to new members

Welcome to new lab members Emma, Gwen, Aleks and Miha!

Posted by Marko in News